Providing Hospice & Palliative Care in Orangeburg, Bamberg, & Calhoun Counties


Grove Park Hospice – “Angels on Earth”

“Starting hospice care was a challenging and emotional experience. It involved meeting a new healthcare team, learning unfamiliar medical terms, and carrying the weight of your loved one’s end of life journey, which can add stress to an already difficult time.

This transitional time brought us to a compassionate layer of care. The hospice team immediately stepped forward, answering questions, supplying equipment, and providing care that was focused on compassion and comfort.

It seemed I was constantly on the phone with the on-call night nurse. No matter the circumstance or time of night, I was ALWAYS met with unwavering compassion. Your team are angels on earth!

Sometimes, there are not enough words to capture the essence of a truly thankful heart and put it on paper. Few people possess the considerate, unselfish, loving heart that you have and even fewer are willing to give so much of themselves. You all made Roger’s last days so much easier.

I am beyond blessed to have met each of you on this journey. Each day is a challenge but also a blessing, and with God’s help, we will get through this time.”

Hospice Care Orangeburg SC - Grove Park Hospice - "Angels on Earth"
Hospice Care Orangeburg SC – Grove Park Hospice – “Angels on Earth”

If you or your aging loved one could benefit from Hospice Care Services in Orangeburg SC, contact the caring staff at Grove Park Hospice, at (803)536-6644.

Providing Hospice & Palliative Care in Orangeburg, Bamberg, & Calhoun Counties.

Debbie Hare, LMSW
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