Providing Hospice & Palliative Care in Orangeburg, Bamberg, & Calhoun Counties

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Hospice Care Offers Compassionate Care at the End of Life

Facing the end of life is difficult enough. Seniors need compassionate care and guidance as they deal with end of life issues.
End of Life Care Denmark SC - Hospice Care Offers Compassionate Care at the End of Life
End of Life Care Denmark SC - Hospice Care Offers Compassionate Care at the End of Life

As people approach the end of life, they’re dealing with a variety of difficulties all at once. Often curative treatments don’t offer the help they need any longer and patients need to make a choice. Hospice care offers compassionate assistance for people with life-limiting illnesses. End of life care providers also help families as they navigate these changes with the people they love.

Approaching Care Holistically

End of Life Care Denmark SC - Hospice Care Offers Compassionate Care at the End of Life
End of Life Care Denmark SC – Hospice Care Offers Compassionate Care at the End of Life

Hospice is said to use a holistic approach to care, but what does that mean? In general terms, it means that patients are treated as a whole person, not just a set of symptoms or an illnesss. They have physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological needs and all of those are addressed through hospice. End of life care providers approach care compassionately and carefully.

Managing Pain and Other Symptoms

Often curative treatments aren’t able to focus much on managing symptoms like pain, shortness of breath, edema, and more. The treatments for the life-limiting illness may even contribute to these symptoms. Hospice, on the other hand, focuses on finding ways to cope with those symptoms since curing the illness is no longer the goal. The new goal is comfort for the patient, which opens up a lot of other options for solutions.

Offering Emotional and Spiritual Support

Terminal illness brings up a lot of complicated emotions, both for patients and for family members. Many of those emotions need to be expressed in healthy ways, if possible. Fear, grief, anxiety, and uncertainty can fade when they’re managed properly. End of life care services can help families find the resources they need to deal with those emotional issues properly.

Keeping Family Members Involved

End of life care services understand that family members want to stay involved in their seniors’ care. With this type of care, family members are still a part of the solution, collaborating with healthcare providers, the person with the life-limiting illness, and other hospice team members to get the right results for the patient. Hospice helps family members to get the information they need to help make the right decisions for the person they love.

Prioritizing Dignity

Even at the end of life, patients need to know that they’re able to make decisions about their care. Preserving that autonomy and doing so with dignity is an important way to respect each patient as much as possible. End of life care does everything possible to ensure patients receive exactly the care that aligns with their wishes and preferences.

Helping with Bereavement Support

Hospice doesn’t stop helping when the patient passes away. Families need help finding the resources they need to deal with bereavement and grief, which hospice can offer. Coping with loss and adjusting to the new normal takes time, so it’s essential to have the right support.

Life-limiting illnesses don’t just impact the person who has the condition. End of life care understands that and makes sure that everyone involved has the tools they need to get through this difficult time. They do this in a compassionate way while offering as many different types of assistance as possible throughout the process.

If you or your aging loved one could benefit from End of Life Care Services in Denmark SC, contact the caring staff at Grove Park Hospice, at (803)536-6644.

Providing Hospice & Palliative Care in Orangeburg, Bamberg, & Calhoun Counties.

Debbie Hare, LMSW

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